What Type of Content Does Your Business Need to Succeed?

Content is not important, what is important is the method of executing it.

Notabene’s content specialists take the responsibility of creating high-quality original content and push boundaries in pursuit of client successes. This ensures you always benefit from more opportunities, innovative thinking, and maximum ROI.

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TV advertising is not dead! It is just evolving. TV still enjoys massive reach and scale. It remains a must have channel for brands to use as a part of the so called “360 campaign” when it comes to effective marketing and advertising.

Digital Videos

We produce highly engaging and entertaining digital videos which are crafted to hook the target audiences’ attention, educate them, and convert them into happy buyers. With the right strategy, you can share your video across multiple social media platforms, make it go viral, and boost brand awareness and sales.

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Corporate Videos

A well-crafted corporate video is an effective tool to showcase your company’s profile, products, and services. That is exactly why your corporate video needs to look impressive. Notabene team has all the tools and skills to ensure that your corporate video is produced to the highest quality.


Have you ever wondered why Netflix (the billion-dollar VOD platform) has been spending millions of dollars lately to produce and publish documentaries every other month on its platform? It’s because people love them – and they sell!

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It’s said that a picture speaks a thousand words. That is true! With the power of captivating photography, we can help you create high-quality commercial photos that will change the perception of your brand and connect with your buyers and customers on another level.

Post-production and Animation

Since the advent of COVID-19, the demand for animation videos has blown up. Why? Because you can make powerful videos to sell your brand without going for a physical shoot. We have a team of experts that do phenomenal work on both 2D and 3D type animation. Our animation services include the following:

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Content Creation and Development

70% of business owners are creating content to push their brands in absolutely the wrong way. The result is low customer engagement and poor sales. The remaining 30% of business owners who are doing it right are barely putting out enough content to get the results they desire. After observing this pattern for far too long, Notabene Productions came up with a unique content development package in a bid to save the day. It’s called the D FORMAT. The D FORMAT means: DIGITAL CONTENT BASED ON DIALOGUES DECONSTRUCTING THE NORMAL STORIES. D FORMAT is a unique content machine that constantly pumps out edutaining content on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for your channel. The sole aim of the D FORMAT is to spark conversations around your brand.

Our Process

Discovery + Strategy

We learn about you and your goals then create a video strategy that will be sure to drive results



Scriptwriting is a key element of your production. It needs to tell a story that will captivate your audience attention


Storyboarding/ Moodboarding

At this step, we create a visual collection to communicate the right "feel" of an idea and the concept.



Once we have a plan in place, our production team will work with you to ensure your video is filmed in a captivating way



Our editors piece together your story in a way that connects and engages your audience.



We aren't happy until you're happy. We will work diligently to make sure you are satisfied with the final product


Digital Content

High-quality, entertaining and engaging digital content that can be distributed across multiple platforms


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